On the Job Injury Protocol & Forms

For any accidents, incidents, or injuries occurring Monday thru Friday between 8:00 am to 5:00 pm (normal business schedule) shall abide by the following protocols: 

  • Employees involved in an accident, incident, or injuries must immediately report it to their immediate supervisor; for major injuries call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • Supervisors are required to respond to the scene of the accident/incident.
  • Supervisors should assess the scene of the accident/incident, and inquire if employee(s) involved have sustained any injuries or if they need medical attention.
  • Supervisors shall contact the Risk Management Division at 956-727-6484. Risk Management staff will make arrangements for the employee(s) to be drug and alcohol tested, if applicable.  
  • Employees with life threatening injuries should be transported by EMS unit to the nearest hospital. Upon release from the hospital (if within regular business day/hours), the employee should contact or report to the Workers’ Compensation Nurse’s office located at 1102 Bob Bullock Loop (City Hall Annex) 1st floor, Employee Health & Wellness (956-727-6484).
  • Employees will be subject to the City’s Drug & Alcohol Post-Accident Testing if they are involved in a vehicle accident while driving a City vehicle, or involved in a motor vehicle accident (MVA) while operating a personal vehicle while on-duty time.
  • Employees seeking medical attention for minor injuries must report to the Workers’ Compensation Nurse’s office. The employee will then be assessed and medical attention will be coordinated if necessary.
  • If the employee is physically able to drive him or herself to the testing facility, they may do so (this must be assessed by their supervisor and a Safety and Loss Control Specialist).
  • An employee who is not physically able to drive him or herself due to an injury, they must be transported to the testing facility by their supervisor. If the accident involved ocurred while driving a City vehicle (motor vehicle accident), the employee shall be placed on a non-driving status until cleared by the Employee Health and Wellness staff.  All other post-accident/injury drug and alcohol testing will have no effect on driving status.
  • The supervisor is responsible for completing an Accident Investigation Report Form along with the Employer’s First Report of Injury or Illness (DWC Form–001). Both forms should be forwarded to the Risk Management Division at 1102 Bob Bullock Loop, 2nd Floor.
  • All injured employees who seek medical attention or who lose time from work will be case managed by the Workers’ Compensation Nurse.



City Hall Annex
Ph. (956) 727-6480 | Fx. (956) 727-6485
1102 Bob Bullock Loop | Laredo, TX 78043
City of Laredo Human Resources Department © 2015

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